Woah..! Guess what, there is more to the 123 Nuclear deal than meets the eye. From the international perspective things are wholly of a different colour my friend.
While we are speculative about whether America has still managed some loophole to peep into our private parts(the military reactors) the outsiders are disappointed India has managed a better bargain, gaining the privacy of one third of our reactors. Apparently, India has also managed the right to decide which future reactors would be "classified".
What India says is you guys can inspect 14 of our 22 reactors and leave the rest to our own privacy. Like c'mon. You tell the police, "you can inspect 14 of my rooms. I wont let you into 8 of them". What would they think. Of course they dont see your perspective of security and patents.
The outsiders, consisting not only of the Americans but also many Asians, are only reminded of our 1974 "mischief". In the name of peaceful purposes, we checked if our nuclear pattasu was really working. Man! It turned many a sattelite head!
The problem is that they feel Iran is taking lessons from us. Well, would you blame them? It really does. Reminded of that bloke who copied your hairstyle. But man! he is getting the girls you didnt! Well its not the same story, but you understand.
They still suspect India's tendencies, feel that giving India nuclear fuel would only let them produce weapons. Quite bad India has not been able to prove it otherwise. And they already have the worries of an ambitious Iran only following India's footsteps.
It is at such a time they feel let down by a Bush who let India cover herself up a bit more. The funny thing here is that, while we feel this deal is only pulling the legs of Manmohan's seat, it aint doin a lot of good for Bush either. Then who the hell is it favouring?
Definitely us, we are gonna get 20000MW more to keep bloggin. We could never dream of it otherwise (oh yes all the security issues aside). But who else?
Well and it certainly is raisin a lot of vayatherichal(green with jealousy sorta thing) for the Pakistanis and the Iranians.
With Iran, there is something more. They have signed that nuclear non proliferashun thingy.
Well there you go, big brother offers nothing for the one who crossed eighteen and ponD for the kid who promised not to dirty his pants.
After our 1974 "betrayal" US tightened its security rules, only to be loosened again in 2008 by Bush for the same "culprit" India. So why wouldnt they hate him.
And most of all they feel this deal and India would set a bad example for the brats. Iran is probably learning that America bends with pressure, and the trick is to hold on. Once US is convinced you are important enough, it will start trying to please you.
And also paranoia is high that this deal would trigger several other stereotypes. Pakistan is already stretching its arm to catch any deal that passes its way. It neednt look much far, superpower hungry China is already speculating on its readiness to provide nuclear assistance, despite the fact that once upon a time Russia had successfully persuaded China out of a similar attempt. Bigger fear, will Russia decide its not that bad afterall sharing resources with Iran? Let growing kids have some milk stuff.
Well, i hope i didnt make it sound as if the whole world is against India getting ponD(i meant power offering nuclear Deal) . There is this class of of neo conservative Americans and companies from France and Russia who are lining to sell fuel and reactors to India. Listen to their objective, to construct an anti China alliance. Their problem is not that India has too many weapons, it is that it doesnt have enough! A looming congressional battle in the US threatens to throw non proliferation fighters and a nuclear lobby supporting a powerful India on the two ends of a tug of war.
The US lawmakers against this deal are only disappointed that Bush had to throw this controversial deal at the heart of a blooming Indo-US relation.
With all this going on outside our compound, we thought we were alone in this confused state of mind and cynisism about the deal. Man the whole world is wetting its pants!
13 years ago